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Planet C2007W1
C/2007 W1
Geometry: C/2007 W1 measured via Observatory from 0.3484 AU for date (2008/07/09 15:10 UT) Change Object
Atmosphere and surface: Production rate: 8.1900e+27 molecules/sec; Expansion velocity: 846.67 m/s; Atmospheric temperature: 81.6734 K; Gases: CH4,C2H6,CH3OH; Surface temperature: 200.0000 K; Albedo: 0.0400; Emissivity: 0.9600; Change Composition
Instrument parameters: Measurement range 2961.308850-3004.964550 cm with a resolution of 25000 RP. Molecular signatures included; Continuum/background fluxes enabled; Change Instrument
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Observation angle (α): 42.225°, Incidence angle (β): 84.748°, Phase angle: 100.79°

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